วันศุกร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Home Theater Plasma TV VS Projectors

Home Theater - Plasma TV VS Projectors
By Jakob Culver

Many homeowners are struggling with an important, electronic question: What is the ideal display for my home theater? Many people have fought this debate, but I'll try to make clear some important considerations.

The most important detail to consider when deciding between a projector and a large plasma television is ambient light. A room with lots of windows presents a problem for a projector because every little bit of ambient lighting degrades the projected image. The ideal environment for a projector is one where you have total control over the lighting. If your home theater uses a projector, you are limited to using it when you can eliminate other light. A plasma screen can be used anyplace, anytime.

Assuming your home theater has blackout curtains, or exists deep underground; let's examine differences between a plasma television and a projector. One advantage of a projector is that you can get a much larger picture than is available in plasma. Projectors can produce images comparable to an 81-inch screen and larger. This just isn't possible with a plasma screen. However, plasma's have the advantage of not needing any amount of space. A projector must have a long enough corridor to project its image on the wall or screen. To get an 81-inch or greater image, you need a decent distance between the projector and the target. Second, a projector's image is dependent on more than the quality of the projector; you must be projecting onto a specialized surface or you lose detail. A top of the line HD projector with a very high native resolution would be wasted if you were just projecting the image onto a wall. You need an equally high quality screen with features such as a matte finish to eliminate reflection and glare. A plasma display requires no additional equipment.

Overall, a projector has the potential of creating a beautiful image, but it needs too much to work effectively. If you're creating a private movie theater with lighting control and an investment in a screen, mounting equipment, and blackout curtains, then a projector is your piece of equipment. For everyone else, I suggest a plasma television.

Jakob Culver is founder of the website http://www.plasmatvarena.com providing information, articles and reviews about plasma tv's. To find more articles like this one visit the site http://www.plasmatvarena.com.

Millennium Online Marteting Pty Ltd

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JakobCulver

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

Looking For A Cheap LCD Projector TV?

Looking For A Cheap LCD Projector TV?
By Zach Parker

Knowing what brightness and contrast ratios are best for your lcd projecting needs is probably going a bit too far, but it will definitely help if you do. Used lcd projectors may be a wonderful investment; just because they have been viewed by someone else does not mean it is in poor condition. Lcd projectors are prone to the screen door effect which means certain images may appear as if being viewed through mesh or fine screen. Choosing the lcd projector that is versatile, reliable, and portable may be a tall order to fill if you don't know alot about projectors. In contrast to some of the other lamps in lcd projectors, halogen lamps burn at a steady rate and have a consistent brightness throughout the lamp life. Knowing what is necessary in your lcd projector and how often those features will be needed can help you decide which one is right for the job.

Lamp life for metal halide bulbs in lcd projectors normally range from 750 to 4,000 hours or more depending on how it is used. A review of the upcoming digital projectors is really exciting due to new technologies constantly being developed for the industry. Lcd projectors are versatile, reliable, and portable; this is why they have become really popular over time; they can be transported anywhere. These projectors deliver a better picture than the lcd television sets that are found in most modern homes. Used lcd projectors purchased on ebay normally have a picture on the bidding page; this might allow you to determine the condition before you make the purchase.

These lcd projectors have a variety of functions for high picture quality and network compatibility is also included. Just about all projectors use the same kinds of bulbs for illumination; most people are shocked to find out that the bulb used is not that expensive. When dealing with lcd projectors you might find that it will provide several incredible viewing opportunities for you and other guest viewers. When dealing a lcd projector for the first time; make sure you read the step by step instructions on how to operate the equipment.

A digital lcd projector of the present has an lcd approximately the size of a small color slide and works similar to traditional slide projectors. Lcd projector rentals require the user to know what size of the audience, viewing angle, viewing distance, room brightness, and location it will be used. Lcd projector rentals are a big business for those that only need to project for presentations or events on a sporadic basis for home or business.

Still looking for a cheap LCD projector TV ? Try visiting LCD-Projector-Sales.info, a website that specalizes in providing LCD projector rating advice, tips,resources and information on how to find a LCD projector online!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=ZachParker