วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How to Fix a Broken Slide Projector

How to Fix a Broken Slide Projector
By Jeffrey Saunders

A slide projector is a great way to store, share and show photos, presentations and other information. But what do you do when your slide projector is having problems. How to fix it can be a simple matter of jiggling a few wires, cords or cables, or taking the entire projector apart and taking a peek as to whats inside.

The most common problem with a slide projector that needs fixing is a simple projector jam. A projector jam is when one of the slides is stuck in a position that wont allow the carousel to rotate. Now, this may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it should also be the first area you look into when your projector is having problems. How to fix it, and remove the jammed slide can be done in a matter of steps.

1. Shut the slide projector off and let it cool down for a few minutes.

2. Remove the slide tray by loosening a latch or placing a coin in the middle of the tray & turning it

3. Turn the tray upside down

4. Locate the jammed slide and carefully remove it

5. Place the tray back into the projector

6. If the slide isnt damaged, insert it back into the carousel

The next time you notice your slide projector is having problems, how to fix it is to follow the steps listed above. Normally, when a slide projector wont fully rotate, its because of a jammed or lodged slide within the carousel. Carefully removing the trapped slide should solve any projector problems youre experiencing.

If youve followed the steps noted above, and you find that still your slide projector is having problems, an experienced technician may tell you how to fix it, and guide you through various stages of repair. The larger the slide projector you have, the more chances it has to jam. So before you take your projector apart or visit a potentially expensive repairman, be absolutely certain that it isnt a jammed slide thats causing your projector problems.

If your digital image projector is having problems, how to fix it can be a matter of replacing a burnt out bulb, ensuring that all your cables are properly connected to rebooting the entire system itself, depending on the sophistication level of your projector. Always go through the instruction manual when your digital projector is acting up.

Sometimes when your projector is having problems, how to fix it can be as easy as remounting it or reinstalling it. An improperly mounted projector can sometimes not project any image at all, and may appear to be broken and in need of fixing. Check to see if your projector is mounted and affixed straight. If it isnt, take it down and remount it, being careful to make certain that its properly mounted. That should solve any issues regarding your projectors refusal to show images. If that does not work, then you may consider taking your digital projector back to its point of purchase for a qualified inspection.

Jeffrey Saunders loves do-it-yourself technology

He also likes great deals on refurbished electronics. Amazing prices on big brand names like the Apple iPod Nano

And more fantastic deals on great items like digital camcorders.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JeffreySaunders

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Video Projector Guide

Video Projector Guide
By Riad Haddad

Well; the world of Projection is certainly a vast place to wonder uninformed, so get informed. I will try to keep this guide as simple as possible.

Things to look for when buying a projector:Manufacturer/MakeThere are many projector manufacturers these days that make it seem impossible to choose from. But to make it simpler, many manufacturers now a days use parts that are supplied from other manufacturer. In other word not all the parts in a projector is manufactured by the same manufacturer. Thus many projectors already have similar components incorporated into them. Always read reviews posted on computer magazines and online computer magazines before purchasing high end/high priced projector. Look for a company that offers the best warranty & support. Brands like Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, Sharp, In-focus, View sonic, Mitsubishi, Epson are amongst the best there is.

TechnologyThere are many technologies available today. But the main two types are LCD & DLP. In simple DLP which stands for Digital Light Processing uses hair width tiny mirrors to reflect light into a screen. DLP offer better overall image but cost a lot more. So for home users its better to opt for LCD based projector because of there much lower price and higher availability. Also LCD projector offer excellent image that is comparable to DLP. Big companies and presentation oriented businesses well find DLP a better choice. There are also projections panels. Projections panels are a form of transparent display that are placed over an ordinary Overhead projector and used to project the same type of video sources that normal projector use. Projection panels are cheaper than the types described earlier.CRT Projectors are an old projection technology that is no longer used these days.

ResolutionResolution is very important aspect to consider when purchasing a projector. Many older models are VGA (640*480) & SVGA (800*600); these models are good for displaying movies and other low resolution images, but will no be sufficient for projecting high quality images demanded by high end application such as 3d modeling, games, simulators and CAD. Check the simple chart below:

640*480 (VGA) resolutions are good for Video Games, VHS, VCD and Standalone DVD users. This panel is perfect for DIYers wanting to keep costs at lowest.800*600 (SVGA) resolutions are perfect for Computer based DVD playback and normal Windows and operation system work. (Plus all the above)1024*768 (XGA) resolution is perfect for high resolution Computer Games and design applications such as AutoCAD (plus all the above)1280*1024 (SXGA) resolution is perfect for HDTV applications and computer software that require high detail (plus all the above)

Color DepthColor depth states how good the LCD represents color. Its the number of colors a monitor or an LCD panel is able to show. A good color depth is 16-Bit; although 24-Bit is strongly advised, this is the color depth that most high end projection panels have.

Lamps An important thing to investigate is the type of lamp used. Check the replacement price of lamps and life expectancy. It would make you no good if you purchase a low price projector and later find out that every lamp replacement will cost you 400$. New lamp models can work for a minimum of 10,000 hrs.

BrightnessBrightness output is expressed in lumens. The higher the lumens the better the image is displayed in less than perfect lighting conditions. Some new projector models can display a vivid image even with the light on. 2000 lumens is a good choice for home use. Choose 3000-4000 for presentation theaters and jobs that require a bright image in a not too darkened room. Lumens rating of below 2000 such as the low priced 1300 models will have to be operated in a completely darkened room (Pitch Black).

ConnectionsConnections are a very important factor when choosing a projector. Composite, S-Video and RGB is almost standard on most models. You will need RGB for hooking your computer or laptop; Composite & S-Video for connecting DVD players and VCRs. Some newer models have DVI inputs too that enable them to be connected to high quality video systems like a video editor or digital video cameras. A remote control is a must; you don't wan to get out of your comfy chair every five minutes. Some applications require two RGB connections for simultaneous viewing of different video sources, so make sure to check for it if you need it.

Long throw/Short throw projectionIts important to decide where you are going to place the projector. If the projector is going to be placed in front of an audience then you will need a short throw projector. And if you need to fix the projector some where behind the audience (Far from screen) you will need a long throw projector. What happens when you use short throw projector for a behind the audience application is that the image will be too large to fit on screen, and if you use a long throw projector for short distances you will get a very small and unclear image.

DIY ProjectorsWell this is interesting. Did you know that you can build a projector yourself, its not that hard really and it will cost you a fraction of retail prices? You should have basic knowledge with DIY projects. The image quality is very good you won't believe it. Though some patience is required in order to complete the projector.


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Riad Haddad is a Software Developer and Internet Marketer specializing in state of the art custom solutions; from database development to website marketing.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=RiadHaddad

วันพุธที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Computer Projector Rentals in Florida

Computer Projector Rentals in Florida
By Eric Morris

Computer projector rentals in Florida provide all kinds of computer projectors for short and long term rental in the state. Florida is one of the prominent hubs for all major activities, business centers and educational institutions. Today, there are many rental companies in the state, specializing in computer projector rentals.

Computer projector rental is the most apt and economical way to possess expensive computer projectors for limited time duration. Today, the computer projector has become an indispensable part of digital presentation in almost all schools, colleges and companies. The enhanced qualities of computer projectors have imparted tremendous changes in the method and quality of presentations. These qualities have led to the popularity of computer projectors among people in all sections of society.

RUSH Computer Rentals Inc., Fort Lauderdale Computer Rental Service, and Saint Lucie Co. Civic Center are some of the major companies in the field of computer projector rentals in Florida. Most of the rental companies in Florida handle both corporate and personal orders. There are also online computer projector rental companies that provide services to people in and around Florida.

Depending on the need, one can avail computer projectors for rental in Florida on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly rentals. All types of computer projectors, ranging from mobile computer projectors to meeting room computer projectors, can be availed for rent. Almost all top brands of computer projectors including Infocus, Proxima, Mitsubishi and Toshiba are available in the state for rental. The rental rates are determined by the model and the duration of the rent. It will fluctuate from company to company and from city to city.

However, getting computer projectors for rental is a complex task, as most projectors are designed for different operating systems and even processors. Thus, it is always advisable to determine the type of the computer projector you need before renting it.

Computer Rentals provides detailed information on computer rentals, laptop computer rentals, computer projector rentals, desktop computer rentals and more. Computer Rentals is affiliated with Laptop Computer Sales.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=EricMorris

วันจันทร์ที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Film Projector Rentals

Film Projector Rentals
By Marcus Peterson

A film projector projects reels of film onto a screen to form a continuous image. Film projectors have the need to wind and unwind the reels and adjust the arms and distance. Despite the competition from video projection, film projectors have a niche market of buyers.

Film projector rental demand comes from residences, film festivals and university and school campuses.

Film projectors come with different widths such as 8mm, 16mm and 35mm. The type of projector depends on the space available and the number of audience. The demand for 35mm comes mostly from festivals while 8mm and 16mm find demand from other segments such as residences and student shows in universities.

Many of the rental companies are either owned by the universities or reside in the campuses. The demand for film projectors is cyclical as film festivals happen during a particular period of a year. Even for residences, the demand is usually in the summer months, when families like to have get-togethers outdoors.

The rental rates for projectors depend upon the type of films. 16mm projectors have a starting rental rate of $20 per day, 35mm at $50 per day. The total rental rates go up when we consider the screens and other accessories. Most of the a/v industry rental companies hold fewer stocks of film projectors. The rental companies in the university campuses charge lower fees for student groups.

Film projectors face severe competition from video projectors. New technologies such as DLP and audio/video storage media slowly make the conventional film based technologies obsolete. When compared with video projectors, film projectors lack features to control contrast and brightness. Even with cinema halls transitioning to digital forms of projection, film based projector manufacturers are dwindling and therefore are the rental industry of film based projectors.

Projector Rentals provides detailed information on Computer Projector Rentals: A Guide, DVD Projector Rentals, Film Projector Rentals, LCD Projector Rentals and more. Projector Rentals is affiliated with DLP Projectors.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=MarcusPeterson

วันศุกร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Digital Projector Give a Bigger Picture

Digital Projector -- Give a Bigger Picture
By NamSing Then

Digital projectors are those video projectors which are used in conferences for presentations. The digital projectors receive video signals from, usually, desktop computers and display images on large screens which can be easily comprehended by all in the gathering.

Two Types of Digital ProjectorsTo begin with, there are two technologies used by digital projectors, the older one being the LCD, liquid crystal display with independent transparent panels of LCD for each constituent primary color (red, blue and green.) The image transmission depends on the signal received by the projector from PC which redirects the light signals through these LCD panels and lens onto a screen. The LCD projectors look pretty similar to older slide projectors and are simple in construction and thus cost less in comparison to their successors DLP projectors. The LCD can be thought of as slides placed at the focal length of the lens making it complete. Clarity of picture in LCD projectors depends on the number of pixels it is set for. (Pixels are smallest area of data or picture holders)

DLP Projectors: The Latest of the Digital ProjectorsDigital Light Processing or DLP is a technology developed by Texas Instruments in 1987. DLP projectors bring in a paradigm difference in technology in image projection to board rooms. Unlike their predecessors, DLP projectors make use of tiny mirrors or micro mirrors to reflect light images to pass through the projector lens and onto a screen. Each mirror can be thought of as representing a pixel. The mirrors reflect primary colors in rapidly rotating succession as actuated by a rotating color filter wheel. The image of rapidly changing colors constructs images for human eye perception. The micro mirrors are collectively called as DMD or digital micromirror device.

For the sake of enhancing picture clarity, the rotating wheel is provided with a plain patch which allows plain white light. This type of DMD projectors are also known as single chip projectors. The three chip projectors are a bit complicated but offer better clarity. Here a prism splits the light from lamp into primary colors which are redirected to DMD which recombines them before projecting through the lens.

Where Is the DifferenceDLP projectors are lighter and give far better pictures. Single chip resolves 16.7 colors while the three chip model does a, hold your breath, 35 trillion colors.

Commercial ModelsTexas Instruments is the pioneer who owns the patent for DLP technology. Fraunhofer Institute of Dresden of Germany developed the same technology simultaneously and markets it as Spatial Light Modulators. HP, Samsung are other market leaders in both LCD and DLP technologies.

NamSing Then is a regular article contributor on many topics. Be sure to visit his other websites Digital Video Camera, Lcd Tv Monitor and One Stop Information

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=NamSingThen

วันพุธที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Computer Projector Rentals in New York

Computer Projector Rentals in New York
By Eric Morris

New York is renowned as the business capital of the world. People from in and around the country come to this place for various business activities. If you are planning a business meeting or conference in New York, computer projector rentals in New York will cater to all your presentation needs. Computer projectors are quite expensive, and availing it for rental will be a cost effective way to own it.

In recent years, the computer projector has become an integral part of presentations and seminars in schools, colleges and companies. Computer projectors have brought about a tremendous change in the conventional presentation. Enhanced technology and high quality presentation have led to the popularity of computer projectors among different sections of society. However, they are more in demand among students and businessmen.

With the popularity and increase in the demand for computer projectors, many companies have come forward in renting different types and models of computer projectors, especially in New York. RUSH Computer Rentals Inc. at Connecticut, G and G Technologies at New Jersey, Fort Lauderdale Computer Rental Service, and Saint Lucie Co. Civic Center at Florida are prominent computer projector rental companies. Today, almost all computer projector rental companies operate online.

Depending on the need, rental companies offer computer projectors for short and long term rental. Generally, these companies lend computer projectors for a day to 3 years. The rental rates will be based on the model and the duration of the rent. For example, a 3M 955 overhead projector is charged $65 for a day, while a higher end computer projector will be charged $200 a day. Thus, it is always important to determine the duration and the model you need before getting it for rental. Computer projector rentals are always a viable option, especially for a short period.

The rental rates fluctuate from one state to another. Still, the rental rates in New York are considerably lesser than other states in the country. Hence, computer projector rentals in New York are the best option to avail cutting edge technologies at very reasonable prices.

Computer Rentals provides detailed information on computer rentals, laptop computer rentals, computer projector rentals, desktop computer rentals and more. Computer Rentals is affiliated with Laptop Computer Sales.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=EricMorris

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

LCD Projector Reviews

LCD Projector Reviews
By Ken Marlborough

Product reviews are more popular now as manufacturers seek new ways to entice customers to spend their hard-earned money on their products. Many companies use consumer product reviews as advertisements, and little wonder why they do. Manufacturers do not have to pay extra to advertising companies for expensive ad campaigns. However, the credibility of product reviews has been criticized. A review that simply reads I really loved your product! Keep it up! and leaves it at that is not what you should expect from a product review. With regard to buying something as expensive as an LCD projector, being informed about your prospective purchase is very important. Here is an article on how to look for an LCD projector based on product reviews.

Technical information

An informative product review should deal with information that is directly linked to the product being reviewed and it should be specific regarding its details and specifications. A typical informative product review on LCD projectors should contain the following information: resolution, brightness, price, and potential usage (sometimes called the for-whom section).

Resolution is how clear and tight the graphics being displayed are and they are usually determined by the number of dots per inch (dpi). A higher resolution means tighter graphics and less pixellation (the grainy quality in some images).

Brightness is exactly that--how bright the image being projected is. This determines from how far away the image can be seen. The brighter the image, the farther away it can be seen.

Reviews that include information on potential usage are particularly helpful. This section allows you to find out specifically if the product you want is applicable to your needs. Simply parallel yourself or your company with any one of the list of potential users, and you will be able to tell at a glance if the product is what you are looking for or not.

The reputation of the reviewer

Anybody can write a product review that is why you should be careful when taking advice from product reviews. If the review you are reading comes from a reputable Web site or magazine, then you should be in good hands. Be sure to do some research on the party doing the review before you take advice from them, or you may end up with a very expensive paperweight.

LCD Projectors provides detailed information on LCD Projectors, LCD Projector Rentals, LCD Projector Lamps, LCD Video Projectors and more. LCD Projectors is affiliated with Cheap LCD TVs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=KenMarlborough

วันพุธที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Portable Digital Projector: Fifteen Selection Tips

Portable Digital Projector: Fifteen Selection Tips
By Jeff Van Der Wiel

There are a number of important things to look for in a portable digital projector for meetings on the go. Your specification shopping list should include factors such as:

  • Light Weight anything over 6 lb is not really portable;
  • Small Form Factor smaller dimension projectors are easier to pack and carry;
  • Set-up Speed look for a projector with some quick application select modes which match the type of presentation material and projection scenarios which are likely;
  • Screen Distance Flexibility flexibility to cope with varying distances from the screen short throw and zoom lenses provide flexibility;
  • Horizontal and Vertical Lens Shift or Keystone Correction to correct keystoning of the projected image when the projection screen is either not at the same height as the projector and/or horizontally in line / skewed - lens shift is preferred as there is no possibility of introducing artifacts from digital keystone correction;
  • Good Brightness look for over 1,800 ANSI lumens to cope with less than perfect projection situations with plenty of ambient light (eg. training rooms), 1,200 ANSI 1,800 ANSI lumens projectors can handle some ambient light;
  • High Contrast Ratio something of the order of 2,000 or over will produce excellent results
  • Low Noise Level - you dont want your voice to be competing with projector noise a noise level in the 20 28 dB (whisper quiet) should be achievable;
  • Rugged Design - to protect the projector from dust and tolerate knocks during transport - look for shutters, caps and lack of protruding controls;
  • Quick Shut Down (cooling cycle) - so that you can move on without delay if necessary
  • Simple Remote Control easy to use with large buttons - backlit if possible
  • Locking System makes your valuable, portable projector less attractive for misuse or theft - password login keypads are a common solution;
  • Personalized Start-up Image display your company logo for a professional touch
  • No PC Required Presentations - facility to load your presentation without a PC using a USB interface or similar;
  • Protective Carry Bag a bag which offers some protection while leaving room to store the power cord, cables etc.
  • An Engineer and Web Developer, Jeff van der Wiel is a avid science and technology follower and critic. Further information on digital projectors or another presentation alternative, interactive whiteboards is available at the respective links.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JeffVanDerWiel